Cracking password protected Zip file using John The Ripper:-

In this post we will see how we can crack password protected Zip file by using John The Ripper.
So lets start. First lets create a password protected .zip file using following command(fig-2.0):
$ zip — — password [password] [] [your file]

Now we have password protected zip file so lets assume we don’t know the password of that file so lets crack the password of the zip file.
First of all we need a tool called John The Ripper. In Kali its comes pre-installed but if you using any other linux distro you can simply install it by following command:-
$ sudo apt install john
After installation you can use it by simply typing following command(fig 3.0):
$ John -h

Lets start cracking:
First of all we need the zip file password hashs we can get in by following command(fig 4.0):
$ zip2john [] > pass.hash

Now this is you password hash, so we will crack it,but we need a password lists you can use your own password but for this I will use rockyou.txt password list you can download it here.We will use following command(fig 5.0):-
$ john — — format=PKZIP [hash_file] — — wordlists [password list]

Wow! we cracked the zip file password its “qwerty”so we can unzip it by following command(fig 6.0):-
$ unzip

Next time if we need no see password of that hash you can use following command(fig 7.0):
john [hash_file] — — show

OSM! now we know how to crack zip file password. Thank for be here and read this post.
See you in another Article………